Thursday, December 27, 2012

Music class

For a little break today, we went to a 30 min music class. Coby loved it. They shook eggs with beads in them that sound like maracas. They played parachute. And played many instruments. I think he was happy to see people his size again after being stuck with mom and dad for the past week.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Coby was having fun on the climbing structure at daycare today!

Ugly doll

Coby went to a first birthday party this weekend and got an Ugly Doll. He seems to like it and introduced it to Daddy when he got home.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Coby tries out his birthday gift!

All bundled up

It is a rainy day but here is Coby all bundled up to stay warm!

Coby and Christmas

We put up our Christmas tree on Dec 1st while Coby was napping. When he woke up he was very intrigued by it. We didn't realize he understood what it is until later when we asked 'Coby, where's the Christmas tree?' Wherever he is, he runs to point to it! He also likes taking off the ornaments and then 'decorating' by laying them back down on a branch.