Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ready set go!

Coby ran the Munchkin Race today and I ran the 5k at the Las Lomitas Elementary school fun run down our street. He loved running the munchkin race but would stop and get distracted by the giant Lion mascot or police on motorcycles. All in all it helped him nap well while I ran the 5k. My first time running a race with the jogging stroller - we had fun!

Monday, April 22, 2013


First horse ride (though it was stationary)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday morning with friends

Coby was full of energy today so we went to daycare early and played there. It was just him and his friend Casey for a little bit and Miss Valerie. He likes riding the blue dog and making soup at the table. He likes sharing the pretend food and taking pretend bites of the apples, corn, and bananas. Turns out he is a little daredevil and kept wanting to stand on the blue dog without holding on....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Thought I would post some pictures that are a little old but that are colorful from December and show Coby exploring a book. This is when he started pointed more and more to ask what things are.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Playing on an abacus at the library