Friday, October 17, 2014

While Daddy's Away...

.... Coby will play! (well he is always playing..)

While Daddy is on his business trip, Coby has been checking out new things with Mommy, Nani, and Ania.

We visited the Woodside Pumpkin Festival which was held at the Mounted Patrol station in Woodside. The police horses were there and Coby liked watching them. The festival was pretty small so we didn't stay long but Coby enjoyed seeing the pumpkins and moreso following the golf cart!

"I'm going to take a break while you all look around. I'll watch over our pumpkins."

"There it is! (golf cart)"
After the Woodside Pumpkin Festival, we went to a nearby school to play on the playground.

We also visited the Allied Arts gardens in Menlo Park. Even though it is just a few miles from our house we had never been there. Coby loved the open area for his "races".

Coby was really excited about the persimmon tree; one of the workers there was picking them to sell at the fruit stand there and gave Coby a few from the pickings.

"On your mark, get set, go!"
(Coby loves racing)